Smiling business traveler inside of Amgine logoSmiling business traveler inside of Amgine logo

The leading AI Automation Platform for Managed Business Travel

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Our purpose is to create amazing travel booking experiences by putting the Actual Intent in AI.

Our promise is to bring TMCs and travelers closer together to enable delightful experiences with ultra-efficient outcomes for all.

Technology keeps promising to fix the problem with smarter and smarter AI, so WHY - millions of dollars later - is the booking experience as frustrating as ever?

Because standard AI is simply not up to the job. It takes a human-to-machine interface that understands the Actual Intent, in context, and elevates intelligence to intuition. It takes an amgine to enable amazing experiences with ultra-efficient outcomes that are both repeatable, and scalable.

We remove the barriers to comprehension, empowering TMC professionals to deliver on travelers' intent. We elevate Artificial Intelligence to Amgine Intuition.

Woman smiling at colleague
Time icon showing stopwatch and sand timer

Reduce the average handle time of your agents when generating an itinerary

Computer icon

Improve client-agent interactions by offering higher quality results much faster

Computer icon with outline of persons head showing on screen

Deep integration with existing TMC workflow & booking processes

Two business travelers looking at a tablet and smiling

About Us

Amgine was founded in 2012, originally focused on consumer travelers, branded as HelloGbye. In 2018 we shifted to the managed business travel segment and have never looked back! We partner with industry leaders like Sabre and Travelport to transform the way TMCs service their customers.

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pending patents